When you register for Essentially You, you will be able to take time out and join some of the country’s leading experts speak about everyday resilience with practical and actionable tips. Some conversations are for when you only have a minute to spare, whilst others, are an hour for when you have more time to dedicate to yourself.
If you forget your password, simply click the Login button on the top right hand side of the website, and reset it. If you continue to have any issues, please email essentiallyyou@cuppa.tv and we'll be on hand to assist.
Cuppa.tv was born from the need for us all to connect in a time of uncertainty and isolation brought on by COVID. Cuppa.tv focuses on conversations that fundamentally make a difference to a person’s life and career. Their three pillars of wellbeing, performance and belonging come to life as live and on-demand masterclasses, expert discussions and unique experiences for their communities.
UniBank partnered with Cuppa.tv to produce Essentially You to deliver relevant and engaging content. UniBank and Cuppa.tv have aligned values and we work together to provide a relevant and practical experience for Members on Essentially You.
If you need to speak to someone then please reach out to the numbers below for professional support
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800